I was Raised by a Strong Woman

to be stronger!

Apoorva Thummanapelly
3 min readOct 14, 2020
Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

Every girl needs a woman in her life who makes her stronger from inside. Filling her mind with dreams and making her realize her potential to achieve them. That woman can be anyone. She can be your family, friend, or a public figure you look up to.

For me, it’s my Mother. She is an embodiment of compassion and courage. Words fall short to describe her. It is not about her teachings as a mother. It is about how she inspired me as a woman. I’ve realized the fact that my mom is the one responsible for my positive attitude towards life. Teaching what’s right and what’s wrong and how to be good and do good was my Dad’s part. My mother taught me to be fearless and self-reliant, which turns a girl into a strong woman in the first place.

I am a Strong Woman because a Strong Woman raised me.

Taught me to speak for myself

I was the kind of girl who gets questioned right at the first meet. Why are you so skinny? I am a thin girl and had a lot of body insecurities because of body criticism. And I have got past all of them. Because my mother inspired me to love myself and to knock out all the negativity people send my way.

The way she makes their mouth shut is another story.

That was the first time I have ever realized that she not only defends me as a mother but also empowers me as a woman.

Taught me to be calm

As an over-thinker, with a mind like a racecourse. A person with a Saint-like mind and patience is much needed for me. My mom has been playing that role in my life since always. She made me understand the essence of something while I was struggling to find it.

She taught me to be patient and listen to my inner voice. And not to rush myself when things go wrong. Taught me that a strong woman knows how to shine through the chaos of her mind.

Taught me to be independent

My mother being a Homemaker, having her hands full all the time never really asks for help. When cooking was one of the necessary woman things, she never told me to learn it for that sake. She makes me do it so that I would not depend on others. She has her own way of talking me into something.

It is never wrong seeking help from someone. But you should be able to get your work done on your own because people not going to be always around-Lesson no.1 from her guide to How to be Independent written for me.

Taught to me see within

It may sound relatable to a few or many, can’t figure out your calling and what do you want to do with your life. All of your peers are ahead of you in the race of reaching the destination.

She made me realize that this is a journey without a destination. Because if it’s otherwise, there wouldn’t be any signs of development. And it is a race with different finish lines for every person. Everyone grows at a different pace. She gave me the hope that I could find my personal calling one day.

A Strong woman doesn’t necessarily mean a rebel. A strong woman is kind, patient, fearless, and makes others strong too.

It isn’t just about my mother. It is about all those Superwomen who light up our world for us. And make us see it even in darkness.

We don’t always need a motivator or a soul searching trip to find our worth and realize our passion. It is just the small things around us that can teach us big lessons. And with the right people by your side, you feel empowered and achieve everything you’ve ever dreamed of.

To all the SuperWomen in our life,

Thank you,

for being the fearless YOU,

for being the kind YOU,

for being the strong YOU,

for being YOU,

for making us what we are today!

